
GRAFX 2.9 (28/04/2024)

New features

  • Loading and saving of Apple II GS file formats
  • Loading of PI4 (Atari TT low resolution) and PI5 (Atari TT medium resolution) files
  • Some support for high DPI display with the GRAFX2_RENDER_SCALE environment variable
  • "Dawnbringer's toolbox" Lua scripts are now included in GrafX2 releases


  • New skins by Ilkke: Black and Klin
  • Better keyboard handling in input widgets
  • C64 file formats: handle unpacked draz paint files
  • C64 file formats: show packer format and file size when loading
  • CPC file formats: load CPC+ ConvImgCPC files and some other executable formats. When loading a raw SCR file (no loader code) or with an unknown loader code, show a window asking the user for CRTC settings and video mode.
  • Palette merge automatically remaps the picture to the merged palette


  • Fix crash when saving TIFF images
  • Fix glitch in input buttons showing text that should not be there
  • Fix corrupt font rendering in SDL2 version
  • Gradient rectangles with an exactly vertical gradient had the colors in the wrong order

GRAFX 2.8 (24/03/2021)

New Features

  • Load and save SymbOS SGX files


  • Amstrad CPC SCR loading: handle ConvImgCPC packed files


  • Fix licensing, all sources used in GrafX2 are compatible with GPL2 now (in previous versions there were some GPLv3 and some code of unknown provenance used in non-UNIX platforms only)
  • Gradient ellipses tool could write pixels outside the image in some cases
  • Fix canvas size when saving GIF files
  • Many fixes to file path handling and unicode support

GRAFX 2.7 (01/02/2020) - 8 bits are alive !

New Features

  • Allow relative directory bookmarks
  • C64 pixcen .GPX format support (loading only)
  • Amiga Extra Half Bright palette support
  • Sega Genesis/Mega Drive drawing mode
  • TMS9918 Mode 2 drawing mode (MSX, ColecoVision, SC-3000, etc.)
  • Load from/save to network neighborhood under windows
  • Support for loading the HP48 GROB format
  • Support for Atari ST TNY format
  • Support for Atari ST CA1 (CrackArt) format
  • Support for Graphos (Amstrad CPC Plus) format
  • Support for loading and saving autoloading C64 picture files
  • Support for loading and saving autoloading CPC picture files
  • Support for MSX Screen 2 pictures (.SC2)


  • keep mouse "captured" in window when the button is pressed
  • Win32: process Horizontal wheel event
  • Add tests to the automatic building process
  • Joystick support rework
  • Nintendo Switch port
  • add support for greek and hiragana/katagana characters in file names
  • many improvements in the documentation
  • build with the latest versions of recoil, lua, libtiff, libjpeg, etc.
  • Packbits optimization (used in IFF, PC1) for smaller files
  • Rotate brush now uses angles from -179° to 180°


  • handling of keyboard mouse emulation + mouse panning
  • Enable to close the application within dialogs
  • properly handle negative mouse coordinates
  • fix memory leaks
  • fix GIF saving (see #125)
  • fix loading of some unusual PNGs
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