
Keyboard shortcuts

Don’t hesitate to change the keyboard shortcuts to ones that are easy to use and remember for you. The default configuration is a lot like Deluxe Paint, but not many people are used to it.


Some general program settings are available in the Settings screen. A few other, less-used ones can be defined in the file gfx2.ini, that you can check and modify with a text editor. This file is located in %appdata%\\Grafx2 (Windows) or ~/.grafx2 (Linux), and self-documented with comments.

This file, as well as gfx2.cfg which contains for example the keyboard shortcuts, are defined for each user of your computer and automatically re-created with default values when they are missing.


(Windows) You can carry Grafx2 on a flash drive and use it on any computer by simply copying the program’s directory on your flash drive, and adding the two files gfx2.cfg and gfx2.ini with the executable. In this case, Grafx2 will not read or write configuration files on the computer’s hard disk when running, leaving no trace.

Bookmark directories

The file selector windows have little icons with stars in them. They are used as bookmarks, to quickly change to a directory. This is useful to memorize the usual places where you need to read and write images.

Left-click a bookmark to use it, Right-click (and hold) a bookmark to open a dropdown menu to set it (store the current directory).


Several sets of icons are available, and you can make your own (or only modify the icon or mouse cursor that you find annoying). The skins and the fonts are stored in the program’s directory under “skins”. They are plain image files, so you can edit them…in Grafx2 for example. (You can reload the skin without leaving Grafx2)

There are many graphical constraints, such as using only 4 colors for GUI elements; but don’t worry, Grafx2 will check everything before loading, and if there’s something it doesn’t like, it will cancel the loading and display a very verbose message, telling you exactly what pixel is the problem.